aunt donna

I live in Southern CA.

Monday, August 31, 2009


I was able to get my handicap placad at Triple A. The DMV was just way to busy so we went to the local Triple A office and had to wait til 9 am when it opened but it was worth it. In 15 mins it was all done I have a temporary one til 2-1-10. So now I am driving to work. So I feel a little independent.

Only 3wks to go and I should have my cast off. When I went to the doctor last Tuesday he was pleased with how it was healing. So keep your fingers crossed. I least a walking cast would be great.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I went to the doctor yesterday and he is very pleased with the way my ankle is healing. He did not change my cast because he did not want to distrub my ankle. I go back in 4 weeks hopefully to get the cast OFF. I can drive now all I need is to get a handicap placard> He signed the form for me now i just have to go and get it. I will try the DMV first then if too busy i will got to Triple AAA but the DMV opens first. Will keep you informed


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

my ankle


The doctor said no walking and crutches for 6 weeks. The fibula bone was broken not bad but still.....

I am going to work to tomorrow.
