Here is Dad with 3 of Charlie kids and 2 of Joan. Not sure of the year.

Here is Dad with some of his Grandchildern I not sure what wedding.

Here is a picture of my Mom and Dad I think when they were dating or just married.
Tomorrow is my Dad's 95th birthday. I cant believe he has been gone for 11 1/2 yrs. To me he was the best Dad ever. I have wonderful memories of him to last me a lifetime. The one holiday that I ever saw him in pj's and robe was Christmas usually he never left his room unless he was dressed but on Christmas morning he pass out presents in his pj's and robe. He loved Christmas he was always so happy when we opened presents and our reaction to them. The one I really remember is the year I got my stuffed frog (that i still have regardless of how he looks) he sent me to the pantry to get a sack to put the used wrapping in and I really did not want to go. But when I did I found Santa had left me a present there and had told Dad to send me there to get it.
The other memories I have are of him reading David and I bedtimes stories out the big Disney book we had. He had the best reading voice ever. That was some of the best times. Also of him and mom taking us to the beach for a week or so not realizing that he drove to work and back to the beach just so we could have a vacation. Our other vacations was driving to Utah. Those really are the only ones I remember having. Driving in the old station wagon and being the youngest meant I rode in the middle or the back at them time I thought it was awful but now it is just good memories. Of stopping for breakfast the the Pondoraso cant remember the town but we always stopped there on the way to Utah.
And all the Daddy Daughers things and every concert I have had he was always there in his good pants and the sweater that Lyn got him in Irleand. Again not knowing how tired he was but he was always there. Taking us to Disneyland every year on Mormon Night and staying til the park closed (Mom would make David and I take naps in the afternoon) at 12 am. I am sure that was not the highlight of his week but every year they got tickets and we went of course we were asleep before the car got out of the parking lot and when you woke up on Saturday morning he had already left for work. We usually did not get home til like 1 am or so.
Another one I have is him teaching me how to drive. I rarely drove with my mom it was always Dad and he would let you drive all the time. Also the Gold and Green Ball my senior year of high school I remember going to the Encino Bldg to learn the waltz with my Dad.
Like everyone in my family I remember him taking us to seminary every morning. We could only talk him out of going if it was raining but it had to be raining hard and that was not very often
He was the best Dad out there and I love him very much. I miss him.
These are just a few memories I have of my Dad. I cant post the picture from the Gold and Green Ball because I am Davis so when I get home on Tuesday I will post it. That picture is how I remember my Dad.
Labels: My Dad's Birthday