aunt donna

I live in Southern CA.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Here is the outside of the house will all the new windows


Saturday, January 03, 2009

A New Great Grandchild

SURPISE SURPISE SURPISE A NEW BABY!!!!!!! Jennifer Anderson (Lyn's Daughter) called and told us some great news. She is expecting her 3rd child a boy May 12th. This is really a miracle because she was told she could not have any more so they all super exicted. And they believe in miracles. She is feeling great and the baby is doing really well and is healthly. Here is a picture of Jennifer and family with Mom. also Cristy Kevin's wife (lyn son) is also expecting in July so now we have 6 new babies this year.


Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year

This is the day after christmas with John (Richard's son) his wife Amber and son Wyatt.
Wyatt sure looks like John did as a baby. We had a nice visit with them. That day they went to the beach it was cold but Wyatt played in the sand.
This is a group shot of out visitors today Dawn, Eve, Porter, Harry and Dawn's parents Bill and Margey.
Mom with grandchild (Dawn) & Great grand children (Eve, Porter & Harry)
Bill watching the Rose Bowl
It was a nice day so we sat outside and visited and the kids pick oranges.

It was a great visit. We all had fun and good food roast dinner made by mom.
