aunt donna

I live in Southern CA.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

bummer news

At least I think it is bummer news. The Target closet to my house is CLOSING. I know how awful. It closes January 6th and will not reopen till October that is what they say but we all know how construction is.

On a happier note it might save me money. I wont go as often so that way I can not spend so much. There is one around us but not so close. It would mean more drive time.

They are going to make it look like all the other new Targets and I heard change the front door to face Balboa.

Oh well progress is good right?

But I will miss my Target I knew it so well. I never got lost and knew where something was.


  • At 10:00 AM, Blogger traci said…

    The Wal-Mart that I shop at just recently finished its remodel. While they didn't close it I stopped going as much because they would move entire departments multiple times.

    Now that it's done I don't like it as much - simply because I don't know where anything is anymore. I was in a rut with my shopping - and I liked it!!

    Oh, well, I'm sure within the next six months I'll figure out a new rut.

  • At 12:46 PM, Blogger Hannahtess said…

    as a frequent target shopper myself, i completely understand your feelings about target closing down. So in light of this devasting news, there is only one thing to do really, get a calender dedicated to target and start your nine month count down...

  • At 11:36 PM, Blogger Donna said…

    Hannah that is a excellent idea I will have to get one and start marking off the days. Grandma and I went on Friday night for our last shopping experience at Target Granada Hills.

  • At 4:28 PM, Blogger bonny with a Y said…

    i would feel your pain except i have to drive 45 minutes to get to a target.

  • At 8:58 PM, Blogger Donna said…

    i know Bonny I really shouldn't complain the other is really only about 10 min if that long but still my was so close I know I am whining

  • At 10:41 AM, Blogger Eliza said…

    I totally feel your pain. After living my whole life close to a Target we moved out here where the closest one is about a 20-minute drive. Bummer!!

    It could be worse, I guess!


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