court of honor

Here we all are at Adam's court of honor it was a fun night Bonny and family Noah, Mary and Bill came. it was nice. I will write more when I get back from Utah. Mom and I leave in the morning
Also a picture of Bonny and family with Adam. Somehow I got two of the same picture twice dont know how to fix it.
At 9:03 PM,
grannybabs said…
I'm sorry I had to miss - we had an Enrichment activity that had been my idea, so I felt obligated to be there.
At 9:04 PM,
grannybabs said…
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At 6:20 PM,
Mike said…
Good job on removing the duplicate. Tell grandma to get better.
Thumbs up to Adam.
At 11:25 PM,
bonny with a Y said…
i tell you - the GH ward knows how to do an Eagle COurt of Honor - it was great - congrats Adam.
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